Monthly Luncheon 

Monthly Luncheon Monday, May 12 12:00 pm

The menu will be garden salad with French and ranch dressings, pork loin, herb roasted potatoes, and mixed vegetable blend. Desserts will be donated by members.

The May entertainment will be provided by A Little Bit of Heaven. This is a fun and frivolity band with a wide selection of music from the 50s and 60s to polka, gospel, and German sounds.

Reservations are due by noon on Wednesday, May 1. 

A maximum of 144 reservations is accepted and a wait list will be generated for all reservations beyond 144. 

Cancellation of reservations must also be made by noon on Wednesday, May 1, to avoid paying for the lunch.

The luncheon cost is $14 for members and $19 for non-members. If payment is by check, please write it out before the luncheon to help eliminate crowding at the check-in table

Arrive early to avoid a long check-in line. You can sign up for the February luncheon, and purchase both travel and 50/50 raffle tickets and gift cards. In addition, a nurse will be available to check your blood pressure before lunch.